is a registered Non-profit Organization of Kirua Vunjo East Moshi, by Natives from related Villages (Kileuo, Mrumeni, Kotule, Mero, Legho, Lasso, Kwa-Laria(Kanji), dedicated to join together, leverage their Vision, Objectives, Social strengths, ambitions & professionalism and other common resources from members, relatives and families having any origination with K.V East, to come TOGETHER, DEVELOP and CHANGE their Motherland through Projects and involvements in different Social development Initiatives that play roles in alleviating poverty and enhancing opportunities in collaboration with all well wishers, and support from social development entities from the village level, national level, and international level.

LEKIDEA :: Katiba, Malengo na Mtizamo wa Taasisi



1.     The Association shall be called “LEGHO KIRUA DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION” or in short form “LEKIDEA”.

2.     The area of operation is LEGHO-KIRUA in Moshi rural district defined to mean the area within the following villages, Mero, Kileuo, Mrumeni, and Legho Kilema including Laso.

3.     The Registered Office shall be in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with branches in and out of Tanzania as will be deemed appropriate.

4.     The Postal Address shall be in the care of P. O. Box  75085 Dar es Salaam

5.     The LEKIDEA shall be managed by a Board of Directors appointed by founding members and approved by the annual general meeting of all members of the association

6.     Upon Incorporation the association shall become a body corporate, shall have perpetual succession, shall have a common seal and shall have power to sue and be sued in its corporate name.

7.     The LEKIDEA is created as and will remain a non- profit making institution


Our Vision:    We envision an environmentally sound, socially and economically developed Legho Kirua with peace and security, good and properly maintained physical infrastructure and improved communication network.
1.     To participate in development and maintenance of all physical infrastructures within Legho Kirua area.
2.     To participate in building, maintaining running, managing  and owning schools, dispensaries, clinics, health centers, communication facilities, electricity, water provision, modern markets and shopping centers and other facilities which the Board of Directors may deem fit and appropriate.

3.     To initiate projects of environmental improvement and conservation within Legho Kirua and participate in related initiatives in Tanzania and outside Tanzania

4.     To initiate and participate in peace and security improvement undertakings
5.     To promote and encourage people of Legho Kirua area to initiate and participate in economic ventures such as small scale industries, modern farming, animal husbandry etc.

6.     To co-operate with other bodies whose aims and objectives are to develop rural areas, and other bodies whose objectives are similar to those of LEKIDEA within and outside Tanzania.

7.     To generally disseminate information and consultancy on the development of Legho Kirua and in close cooperation with other relevant bodies.

8.     To participate to the extent possible in rendering emergency and relief services to Legho Kirua residents during emergencies and other circumstances that may create demand for such services.

9.      To engage in income generating economic activities both in and outside Legho Kirua for the purpose of using such income for promoting the objectives of LEKIDEA.

10.  To solicit scholarships to students and promote co-operative arrangements for the development of people in Legho Kirua area.

11.  To grant scholarships to students and other people from Legho  Kirua area who are incapable of paying for their education and or training.

12.  Lobbying for various development undertakings

13.  To initiate and engage in fundraising activities for the development of Legho Kirua


                 1.0 There shall be the following categories of membership;

1.1   Founding Members who shall consist of those persons who took the initiative to create the present Association and their names affixed with a signature will appear at the bottom of this document. Like other members each of them will be required to pay a membership fee set out by the Association.

1.2   Any sane resident of Legho Kirua who has attained an apparent age of 18 years, whether currently in or out
of the area upon paying a non –refundable membership fee and an annual fee set out by the Association.

1.3   Any body corporate whether based in or out of Legho Kirua area may apply for membership, and on admission shall be required to pay a non refundable membership fee and an annual subscription fee set out by the Association.

1.4   The Board of Directors shall determine persons to be granted honorary membership.

1.5   Patron members shall be open to those who on admission shall pay membership fee set out by the Association.

                2.0 Membership shall terminate if any of the following occurs:-

2.1 A member having defaulted to pay annual fee for three consecutive years.   

2.2     By reason of insanity.

2.3     By voluntary withdrawal from membership.

2.4     By expulsion by the Board of Directors for misconduct.

2.5     By reason of death.


1.     (a) There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of at least five people originating from Legho Kirua, people of credible qualities, and highly committed to the development of Legho Kirua. They shall be nominated by the founding members and approved by the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board of Directors shall hold office for three years with a possibility of reappointed provided that fresh general approval of new Directors shall take place after every three years. Members of the Board may resign and be replaced through an Extra Ordinary General Meeting in between their term of 3 years.
(b)     The Board Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be elected by the Board members from among themselves.

(c)      The Board shall appoint Executive Secretary (ES) and a secretariat under the general secretariat. The Secretariat will consist of experts that will assist ES in his/her duties
(d)     The Board shall four times in a year, and will set its own procedures.

(e)     An extra ordinary meeting can be called to discuss a matter of emergency

2.     A person shall cease to be a Director in the following grounds:-

(i)            If s/he becomes insane.

(ii)          If s/he is convicted of a criminal offence and imprisoned.

(iii)        If s/he is detained under any law of the country.

(iv)          Death.

(v)            Resignation.


1.     To make major decisions and supervise the affairs of the LEKIDEA.

2.     To formulate and follow-up implementation of strategies and policies of the LEKIDEA as approved by the Annual General meeting.

3.     To discuss regular reports of the LEKIDEA and submit the same to the Annual General Meeting through the Chairman of the Board.

4.      To maintain close liaison with other organizations whose aims and objectives are similar to those of LEKIDEA.

5.     To call the Annual General Meeting of LEKIDEA and to ensure effective implementation of the resolutions, decisions and directives of the Annual General Meeting.

6.     To formulate policies, rules and regulations for smooth running of the affairs of LEKIDEA to meet the desired goals.

7.     To cause proper maintenance of books of accounts of LEKIDEA and cause them to be audited by a recognized firm of auditors.

8.     To receive, discuss and approve all applications for assistance, relief, fellowship or donation out of the funds of LEKIDEA.

9.     To receive, discuss and approve and supervise implementation of new projects.

10.  To recruit such number of employees and Honorary Officials for LEKIDEA as it deems fit for efficient running of LEKIDEA, and determine remuneration and honoraria payable.

11.  To appoint Executive Secretary and the Secretariat members together with any specific committee  necessary in undertaking a particular activity

12.  Authorise establishments LEKIDEA branches and appoint executive officers for the same

13.  Fundraising for LEKIDEA

14.  Maintaining good public image of LEKIDEA

15.  To support  and evaluate the chief executive officer

16.  To appoint Executive Secretary and the Secretariat members together with any specific committee  necessary in undertaking a particular activity

17.  Authorise establishments of LEKIDEA branches and appoint executive officers for the same.


1.     S/He shall be the secretary to the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting.

2.     S/He shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the LEKIDEA and will be remunerated by the LEKIDEA.

3.     S/He shall be responsible for the day to day management of the affairs of LEKIDEA and maintain both movable and immovable assets of the organization.

4.     S/He shall prepare annual plan, annual budget, quarterly implementation reports and other regular reports as may be required by the Board.

5.     S/He shall be responsible for the supervision of all LEKIDEA staff and projects.

6.     S/He shall implement resolutions, decisions and directives of the Board and Annual General Meeting.

7.     S/He shall assist the Honorary Treasurer to collect all moneys and payments due to LEKIDEA.

8.     S/He shall keep proper records of all assets, and financial transactions and keep the Honorary Treasurer briefed on the same.

9.     Any other duties assigned to him/her by the Board.


(a)   There shall be an annual general meeting to be constituted as follows:-

(i)            All officially recognised members according to this constitution.

(ii)          All Directors shall be members of the Annual General Meeting.

(iii)        All Honorary members.

(iv)          Any other persons invited by the Board of Trustees by virtue of their interest in the activities of LEKIDEA, but will not have voting rights.
(b)   The LEKIDEA first annual general meeting shall be held after 12 months but not more than 15 months after registration of LEKIDEA.


                   The Annual General Meeting shall be the highest policy                     making and supervisory organ of all the activities of the Association and its function shall include inter alia:

1.     To receive implementation reports from the Board.

2.     To approve the nominated Directors

3.     To consider and approve the annual and periodical plan of services/activities.

4.     To deliberate and decide on future strategies regarding the promotion of the objectives and aims of LEKIDEA.

5.     To amend the constitution and regulations of LEKIDEA as and when necessary.

6.     To ratify/endorse the audited accounts for LEKIDEA.

7.     To liquidate LEKIDEA when it deems proper so to do.

     (d) An Extra Ordinary General Meeting may be convened to transact on the following business:-

(i)            To appoint a new Director when circumstances are such that the said appointment cannot wait for the Annual General Meeting.

(ii)          Any other business which necessitates the convening of a general meeting prior to Annual General Meeting.

  (e)  Both the Annual General Meeting and the Extra Ordinary General Meeting will decide their own procedure of conducting their business provided that the Chairman, vice chairman, or in their absence the Acting Chairman shall preside over all meetings.

 (f) The quorum for the General Meeting shall be 2/3 of the members of that meeting; such quorum shall be in attendance within one hour from the appointed time, and if such quorum shall not be had as aforesaid the Chairman may postpone the meeting to some other date, and if  again there will be no quorum the Chairman may at his sole discretion  decide to continue with the meeting, lack of quorum not withstanding.
(g) Save where the Board otherwise resolves all General Meetings shall be held at the Head Office of LEKIDEA.


1.     Branches shall be established at all places where there are not less than 10 members of LEKIDEA.

2.     Each Branch shall propose to the Board, names of their executive officers for approval.

3.     The branch committee shall meet not less than twice a year.

4.     Each Branch shall hold its first Branch Annual Meeting after 12 months but not more than 15 months from its date of inauguration, and within fifteen months thereafter, and in each meeting the Board shall be represented by one Director.


(i)            To receive newly admitted members after receiving notice of such admission from the Secretary.

(ii)          To collect membership and annual fees and operate a collection account at the bank for keeping the fees prior to transmitting them to the Head Office.

(iii)        To propose to the Board new projects and get approval for the same.

(iv)          To propose to the Board names of their executive officers for approval

(v)            To perform any other business as may be directed by the Board of Trustees.


1.     Voluntary contributions and or donations from individuals and        institutions within and outside Tanzania

2.     Loans

3.     Membership fees

4.     Surpluses generated from various projects

5.     Any other lawful incomes


            If the Association shall be wound up, the liquidator shall collect all the assets of the Association, pay staff salaries, and all debts and the balance thereof, if any, shall be donated to schools, health centers and other social welfare organizations in need of financial assistance.


1.     The Seal of the Association shall be engraved with the following words
      “Legho Kirua Development Association”.

2.     The Seal of the Association shall only be affixed to any instrument by the authority of the Board of Directors.

3.     The Seal of the Trust shall not be affixed except in the presence of at least two Directors or a Director and the Executive Secretary, who shall sign every instrument to which the seal of the Trust is so affixed in their presence.


Save where the Board otherwise resolves Notice for Annual General meeting shall be given 14 days ahead of time while notice for Board Meetings shall be 7 days in advance.


Nothing in this constitution shall be amended, altered, or rescinded except by a resolution at a meeting of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) specifically called for the purpose and voted by at least 2/3 of the members present and eligible to vote.

We hereby declare and certify that the above rules are true and correct and in accordance with the resolution passed by the meeting of founding members held this 9th day of December, 2007.



  1. EDWARD MSAKY                                      
  2. SIMON T. NJAU                                         
  3. BALTAZAR KISENGA                               
  4. SLYVESTER MATEMU                             
  5. PASCAL B. ASSEY                                     
  6. JEROME S. ASSEY                                    
  7. JOHN MMBANDO                                      
  8. GABRIEL KESSY                                        
  9. MARY PSD MUSHI                                    
  10. GAUDENCE KYARA                                  
  11. THOMAS MSAKY                                     
  12. WOLFGANG NYANGE                              



  1. Mary PSD Mushi                                         
  2. Joseph I. Shewiyo                                        
  3. Martin M. Kessy                                          
  4. Benard  N. Msacky                                       
  5. Edward F. Msaky                                          
  6. Simon Njau                                                   
  7. Balthazar D. Kisenga                               
  8. Thadeus L. Kisanga                                   
  9. Thomas R. Msaky                                         
  10. Ladislaus Riwa                                            
  11. Wolgang Nyange                                      
  12. Majaliwa Paul Kyara                                   
  13. Festo Michael Kyara                                               
  14. Sylvester A Matemu                                                
  15. Venance V. Msacky                                    
  16. Paschal B. Assey                                           
  17. Jerome Assey                                                            
  18. John Mbando